In the Middle Ages, when few people could read, books were scarce, and Latin was the language of the educated, religious instruction for Christian lay people was provided through art. Builders of churches and cathedrals used windows made of stained glass to depict scenes from the Bible and stories of the heroes of faith.
The series of stained glass panels in the front of our sanctuary serve this purpose for us. They visually represent the seasons of the Christian year and it chief festivals, from Advent to Pentecost.
The panels were designed by Donald Graves, a member of the congregation in the 1970s. All but one of them were made by Don as his gift to the Church. The one not made by him was the Epiphany window, which was made by Gail Granucci according to the sketches completed by Don just before his death. Don had no formal training in stained glass crafting; he developed his skills by watching others at work and reading about it.